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Thursday, August 2, 2012

You Can't Handle the Truth...

A couple of times this week, I've heard people say,"God doesn't give us more than we can handle."
No disrespect, but after some consideration of the larger issue, I'm afraid I have to disagree.

In part because I think the statement is incomplete and is a bit misleading as it stands.

First I'll revert back to my "Abba" (father) mentality. As a parent, sure I want to spare my children undue strife, but it seems to me that sometimes allowing a child to experience the full (or at least most of it) repercussion of their actions is the best way for them to learn.

Not always, but sometimes.

So then, sometimes what they experience is more than they can handle and that's OK because I have my eye on the situation and of course I'll bail them out before things become too dire.

As a method of teaching, experience it seems in many cases, is a perfectly valid and sometimes required methodology. Not always, but sometimes. Especially as children become more mature and self assured, experience is sometimes the only way in which they learn.

I believe this same thought process can be applied in the god / man relationship.

Moving on to the consideration of the nature of people in general, I would have to think that were it not for being given more than we can handle in life, we likely would not give God a second thought, and we certainly wouldn't recognize our greater need for Him.

More than we can's what some organizations call hitting bottom and often times it's exactly what needs to happen to us.

Perhaps the point isn't that we are given what we can handle, but that we realize handling it on our own (without God) is merely an exercise in futility.


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