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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Celebrating Diversity! (oh stop that nonsense in your head right now)

Well, I'm happy to announce that a couple of new authors should be joining the ranks of the highly unpaid staff of  authors (well, more accurately, author singular) here at Victory Garden Failure. (We do at least compensate for no wages by not offering benefits either.)

It's a labor of love.

I don't know how often, when or what they'll post about, but you'll know it's them (and not me) when and if they post, because they'll probably exercise they mastery of the language by being much more concise and insightful with their posts.

That said though, (and I hate to disappoint you by saying so) I can't speak for the offense level they'll bring to the table, I've set that bar pretty high, but they're both talking the talk and walking the walk and they're both very honest and loving folks with a heart for the sorts of folks that Jesus had a heart for.

They get it and that's enough for me!

Matt and Jonathon, welcome to the team!
I love you bring it boys!

To you who may be new, I suggest strongly once more, if you haven't already, reading these two things:
These two (possibly redundant) pages may help your perspective of what happens here by lending some insight as to what it is I'm doing here.

(But may in fact lend no insight as to what Matt and Jonathon are doing here.)

I'm excited...
Things are gonna change, I can feel it.


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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.