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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Rule # 1: You are NEVER wrong

Do not, DO NOT, allow for the exception that your understanding of things could be "wrong". This admits the possibility of fault in your thinking which you know cannot possibly be the case. Your experience tells you so...

I've never had a broken arm, (and I certainly wasn't born with one, so my default status is of course "no broken arm").

Consequently, I can then, with a great certainty and conviction, clearly see the fact that anyone else who claims they have had, or currently have, a broken arm is either lying or they have one because in some way, at some point they have chosen to.

Whatever the case, whatever they think their choice (or lack there of) was, broken arm status was not their default status.

All these claims of broken arms are honestly just an assault against those of us who live free from broken bones, a conspiracy of sorts, if you will. 

I've never chosen to have a broken arm and so it seems it's really just a ploy to make me feel some sort of guilt. 
(Which, on a side note, I personally refuse to take on, because I had nothing to do with anyone else choosing not to adhere to their default status.)

It is in fact, offensive to me and I will not even acknowledge it any more. I'm tired of hearing about them, especially those compound fractures they are the worst, because they're just out in the open and plain old gross. 
(Break your arm in private, but I sure as heck don't want to see it. It makes me sick just to think of the image. Think of the kids, they shouldn't have to be exposed to that! Besides, how am I supposed to explain to them that you chose to have a broken arm, sick.)

The claim of a "broken arm" is a ploy for attention, and an excuse to receive "special" (greater than equal) treatment over those of us who didn't choose to have broken arms.
(Oh I need a cast, Oh I need a sling, You don't know my pain, Poor me...we've all heard the same tired old complaints!)

The time and resources we spend in treating a broken arm, is in reality, a huge drain on time and resources better spent on say...buying and eating chicken sandwiches...boneless of course.

Admit it, no time or healing is in actuality needed, no understanding of why it is you "think" you might have this broken arm. 
The fact of the matter is you had a choice at some point prior and this is where you wound up, so the choice and its consequences was and are yours.

Clearly God wouldn't allow you to have a broken arm, or you would have been born with one and you weren't!

The good news is, now that you know all this, you can be rid of this burden. 
You simply have to have that mustard seed level of faith that allows you to decide to stop having a broken arm, and then BAM you won't have one.

Believe and receive!

You will be released from this illusion, because that is God's will for you!

After you do that, THEN (and only then) will you experience the joy and understand the freedom of having the full use of both arms, like me. 
Don't you want to be like me?

Then we can go to church together!
Won't that be swell?

Now then, doesn't that all make sense?

Oh, you noticed I have a limp?
I have a torn PCL.

It wasn't my fault, it was just a accident.
I did it at church, and it's not like I broke it....

What's that?
You say that something else here most certainly is broken?

I don't know what you mean.
Look, just pray about it, would you?



  1. I am constantly impressed by your level of creativity in expressing your opinions. We are all born broken in many ways, the key is recognizing what is worth fixing :)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.