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Friday, June 1, 2012

As you have done unto the least of these...

Our words mean something no matter how cleverly or eloquently we try to use them.
Our motive and meaning is often much more transparent than I think we would like to believe.
Even when it is unclear to us just what it is we are actually conveying.

Be it in the cloak of jest, or in a mask of concern, to the recipient of our communications, what isn't actually being verbalized often comes through much louder and far more clearly than what is.

Even if or when we realize our offenses, after apologies are made, and forgiveness granted it is far too late.

The damage has been done, and the pain will linger somewhere in the memories of our unintended victims. Sometimes near the surface, sometimes more deeply, it may manifest itself in many subtle subconscious ways perhaps to be projected onto innocent others.

Sometimes it remains for a lifetime and you can bet that something, somewhere will happen that will trigger those memories, those words, that hurt.

When it does it will be lived through once more in memory to be dealt with all over again.

As I always say. "You had to think it before you could say it."

So keep in mind, the fact that you're even saying "it" says that somehow in your mind, the thought process that get one there is OK to you, or else why would you choose to continue perpetuating it?

As you have done it unto the least of these...

                                                                                 you have done it unto me.

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.