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Friday, June 15, 2012

If time is money why do we waste so much of it?

As a parent I have learned that simply "being there" and available in certain adverse and/or celebratory moments is far more critical than we can even know. Our presence or lack thereof is noticed even if we feel it may not be.

If we look at Job in the book of Job, even his friends (who were clearly in the end not even good friends) sat with him for days before uttering a word. I'm sure they must have had other things they should have been doing but they made themselves available.

We would be wise to consider in advance, that once those moments in life have passed they do not return, there are no do overs. What is done is done. How we have responded or made ourselves available in those times does however sends a very clear although perhaps unintentional message to anyone who may be inclined to consider the bigger picture. 

It speaks clearly to the nature and condition of the relationship, and in fact it is probably more indicative about our internal or spiritual condition at that time, more than it might indicate anything at all about where we might have been physically at that time. is the one resource we are afforded that is unknown in quantity, but that we mistakenly treat as being unlimited in quantity.

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