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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Internet Killed the Radio Star

Internet radio.
It isn't really radio.

You know that, right?

The nice thing about the days when I was a kid, and we actually used to listen to the radio, is that every once in a while my friends and I would call each other up on the phone to say,"Hey, that great song is on right now!"

Of course that meant finding a phone that was mounted or wired to the wall, so we really had to feel that it was worth the effort. 

But you know the one thing that we never used to do?

We never called to let each other know every time the F'ing song changed on whatever station we we happened to be dialed in on at the time, or when we switched cassettes.

You know why we didn't do that?

It didn't matter and we knew it.

Things are a little different from the way they were then.
Technology and our culture have changed quite a bit.
Apparently now it really does matter.
Not just to kids but adults as well.
And not just that the song has changed but what it's changed to as well.

So now, every time someone's song changes on Pandora, or Spotify, or whatever station, play list, etc. I get to see it come up on my facebook feed.

Thanks guys for keeping me up to date.

Now I'll never have to wonder if you're still listening to that awesome song you were listening to 5 minutes ago, or if you're just as cool as you were 5 minutes ago.

Now I can just look at that constant stream of feeds and I'll know.

I guess it would have been OK if you hadn't told me, but it sure is a load off my mind that you have.

Every 5 minutes an enormous burden is removed from me.
You really do care, and so do I.
Thanks, all 400 of you.

And by the way since we're going here...

Yes Pandora I am still listening.
It's still on isn't it?!

But I also happen to be at work so I can't be the kind of friend you seem to need and interact with you every half hour to let you know that I am still listening little buddy.

Honestly, you're really just asking if I'm going to hear the commercial you're about to play, you're not being tricky, so just play it already.

It's free so I'm fine with that.

Just play the commercial and then just play the stupid music again, so I don't have to stop what I'm doing to hang out with you.


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