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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Read This First...

...otherwise, I don't really want to hear it. 

This is also a stand alone page explaining the process I am in right now.
I'll leave it up even after the remodeling is done

I am both de and re constructing the format of my writing and blog for two main reasons: 

1) I and my intentions are misunderstood.
2) If I had to find my way around this place I'd go nuts.

First, here's a quick rundown of the general tags or headings that I see most of my posts falling under. These are of course pretty general and a good range of smaller and more specific topics will be contained withing each.

Life Lessens - Quick little things I've thought of, that had I not written down, ADD would quickly force from my head to make room for other trite thoughts and consequently they would be forgotten. They're really just that unimportant. Sometimes funny, sometimes insightful, sometimes both, but maybe and most often probably neither. Oh well, imagine experiencing this stuff 24/7 and you'll be glad you're not me or don't know me personally.

View Askew - Personal commentaries on everyday cultural issues, social experiences and interactions. These are the ugly and beautiful parts, see lengthy explanation below.

Bible Versus - Bible verses I come across in daily reading that I just feel inclined to share. No objective, just sharing, however they are most likely indicative of a certain place I may be at. Wouldn't that be why they seem relate-able to me? If they help you great, if they don't you're not where I'm at. You're probably much further along, so I'm glad you're here.

Circles and Boxes - Personal history and perspectives. Thinking outside the box and probably not welcomed in many circles. It is the blessing and curse of ADD and what makes this more of a couch than a classroom. These too are the ugly and beautiful parts, for which no explanation will be given...probably. These posts may lend greater insight as to the nature of my perspectives and background. The lessons here are incidental and what you may or may not leave with is up to you.

So that's that and that is easy enough.

I should also note that a good number of my writings are done on my cell phone and even without that lame excuse, they will inevitably have typos and missing words, excuse them if you understand my meaning, and tell me if you don't.

Second, here's a little insight as to the nature of my reconstruction...

One to indicate the temperature, one to set the temperature.

This isn't news reporting. Every side of the issue won't be reported, nor every stance given equal time. This is neither my inclination or obligation. You can start your own blog if that's something you'd like to see / make happen. This place is only agenda free in the sense that you will see my agendas for free.

I'm not a news reporter or a fiction writer, unless you count poor recall and misguided perspectives as qualifiers for my falling within that genre. I write about what I know, what I see, what I experience and how I experience it through the lens of my own thought processes and understandings. That's what makes it personal...

I think that sort of understanding should always be a given when just about anyone is relaying any kind of personal story / experience, and in my opinion good, effective story telling isn't always about the accuracy in presenting the facts as they stood but the presentation of the facts as they were understood. This isn't news or teaching, it's perspective. Someone once said to me than perspective is more important than truth, and on a certain level I would agree.

That said, chances are if you're an influence in my life, then chances are that you'll be an influence in my writing as well. Seems pretty logical doesn't it? Again, a post may be inspired by you and yet remarkably, not actually be about you. It's all about me, praise my name...I jest.

One for looking inward one for looking outward.

That being the case however, you may come across certain subjects that seem pointed. They almost always are, but at specific subjects rather than specific people. That is to say a post may be relevant to you and still not be about you, and you would be flattering yourself to think that I sit around stewing and scheming about you and how I can devote time and energy simply to address (or attack) you publicly regarding matters I have not addressed with you privately.

Thess posts are more like journal entries than anything else. While I do invite commentary, unlike facebook where 5 million people are force-ably subjected to my rantings you are here by choice.  Behave as any guest should or leave...

I think people forget that when they post their every thought on facebook, they are in actuality soliciting the thoughts of all they have revealed these thoughts to, and when a comment they don't agree with is posted as a response  it is often not seen as disagreeing as much as being plain old disagreeable, and unwarranted offense is taken.

One an observation about things and the other intended to changes things.

The bottom line is unless what you do somehow impacts me in my personal life, I'm pretty much like honey badger. I don't give a shit. Do what you want, and if it's not my place to voice a protest to directly to you, then I may voice my views about such things here, never though do I mention any names so as to keep the subject matter as applicable to the general readership here.

If you're offended tell me, if you can't be bothered to do that much how could it be expected that I should know or be corrected. If you see a problem you can correct but don't, well then that problem is yours to share in.

One for self reflection and the other to reflect in what is behind us.

All that said, a good many inappropriate conversations seem to happen on facebook that should never be had in a public forum, especially with people who fail to recognize that while the cause they feel they are presenting is not their own, it seems by the contrary nature of them, that their agenda behind them and methodology in presenting them most certainly is. For that reason alone all comments will be, mediated and judged in regard to their level of constructive or destructive qualities before being allowed to appear. I am here to dialogue. This is supposed to be a happy occasion. Let's not argue and bicker about who killed who...(Monty Python)

Look, you might not find what you're looking for, but chances are what you wind up finding is exactly what your looking for in the first place, especially when offense may be taken, but don't assume anything about me or my motives when it comes to what it is you think you've found here. 

Your thoughts are yours, just as mine are my own. I can't make anyone do or feel anything they aren't already predisposed to feel or think. Just ask, I might not be the sort of jerk you think I am, maybe I'm an entirely different kind of jerk. Heck I don't know and neither will you if you don't ask, but don't assume the worst possible scenario to be the case without knowing...The point again, is you won't know unless you ask, so just ask.

Quite honestly it seems a little bit like pointing out the obvious when I tell you all these things, but it appears there is a need to do so given the recent unfolding of certain events.

Feel free to tell me that you're offended or that I'm wrong but do both me and especially yourself the favor of thinking through the reasoning for your position and then kindly explaining it.

Again, my apologies for pointing out what I was clearly obvious to the majority of you, but one of the many reasons we need to be in open communications is that we do not all have the same backgrounds or understandings and so the diatribe is warranted.

It is in point of fact why I post.

Enjoy...or don't...whatever...


Look you made it this far, good for you.

I can't exclude readers, I can only include them. 
So if I don't know you and you're interested in getting on the list of people who check out this blog you'd better send me an e-mail Here's my address: 

If I do know you, just let me know that you want to be on the guest list and I think about it...maybe.  ;)

End of June, that's the cut off...

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You know you want to, so say it one's going to be offended.