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Saturday, June 9, 2012


Well we've been here since Wednesday morning.
Through a long series of events over the past few months, Paige had blood drawn for testing 5pm(ish) Tuesday. 
Her doctor called at 6:30am Wednesday from his personal cell phone to let us know we needed to get our crap together because he was arranging a bed at Desert Samaritan (Rm. A 336), diagnosed with type 1 Diabetes.

Admitted with a blood sugar level of about 600 when it should be around 100 or so. Paige's blood sugar levels now seem to be stabilizing and are probably the lowest they've been in at least 6 months, although still not normal.

Wednesday was a day of checking in, tests, and trying to get things "normal" with her system. Lots of needles, lots of blood.

They did more tests last night inclusive of a kidney ultrasound, but we're really waiting to find out results on most of the tests. Doctor didn't wind up coming yesterday until about 6pm.

Overall doctor visits have been sporadic, infrequent and pretty uninformative.
Honestly if it weren't for her pediatrician (who is the head of the Cardon Children's center here) I'm not sure a whole lot of what has happened would have even happened. 

Technically, legally he's not allowed to treat her, because she's just slightly over 18, but he apparently still has plenty of weight to throw around to make sure things happen. He's visited quite a bit and been a real help.

Fortunately I also have a wife who knows how to get Shirley McClain on people's ass when the situation requires.

In talking with the nurse right now I'm figuring out that Type 1 presents very differently depending on the person and their metabolism, etc. and I'm guessing this is the reason for the apparent "lack" of information.
I may just not be concrete enough to offer, just a guess.

They're giving her Lantus a longer lasting insulin, along with regular insulin, and because she's experiencing vision problems they'll be putting her back on I.V. fluid. I'm not sure what the connection there is.

Long story short, we're waiting...and waiting, to get things figured out as to what's happening now, and how to approach it going forward. 

At this point she's really only had a couple of visitors. I've tried to keep it low key since it's not really my drama to advertise, and I want to try to be respectful of her privacy. 

Apparently the word's out now....

People seem to love that girl, (and who wouldn't?) and so they're asking hwo things are.

The doctor came in just now and said he might consider releasing her tomorrow, but getting released today wasn't even an option to him, and tomorrow is questionable at best.

People are asking, but as far as what anyone can do, I have no idea, so I'd say at this point prayers and love, and that's about it I guess.

Otherwise give her a jingle, drop her a line, see what she needs.

I'll keep you posted.


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