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Thursday, June 21, 2012

you shall know the truth shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

by Roberto Esponja on Saturday, May 28, 2011 at 2:05am ·
Nothing is created from nothing.
And the fact of the matter is that nothing can be believed into, or out of, existence.
Our mere belief that something is so, does not make it so, any more than our disbelief can nullify it...

The Truth existed before us, and will continue to exist after us.
The Truth is infinite, while we are finite.
The Truth is eternal, not created, but always existing.
No beginning, no end, the Truth simply is.

By its eternal nature, the Truth can not be "relative", but must be absolute.
It is the standard, by which all standards are measured.
It it is absolute, and incorruptible, and it can not accept a lesser standard.
However, because it is absolute and incorruptible, it can be known.

We are created, limited by time, we have a beginning.
Thus, our comprehension of the Truth is limited to our experience.
We apply the Truth based on our experience, and understanding of it.
Our understanding of it, however,  is quite simply and only that.
No more, no less.

The Truth stands alone.
It does does not consider our standards of fair or unfair, for it alone knows.
It exists, unchanging, regardless of our thoughts or actions, either for or against it.
It does not demand or require, our approval or acceptance.
For the Truth stands alone.

It will not become "more true", if we approve.
It will not change, however much we may disapprove.

Uncreated, it simply is, regardless of how WE feel about IT.

We do not, we can not, change the Truth.
The Truth, however, can and will changes us.

This alone makes it worth seeking.
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    • Roberto Esponja

      As the article above clearly points out there are many schools of thought regarding truth, and many definitions depending on what the term truth is being applied to.

      So, just to give a perspective as to...See More
    • Roxann Adamsen
      Bear in mind that I write this as a heathen and anthropologist. The article is reminiscent of a well know philosophy posed by Socrates as recorded by Plato. It's called the Theory of Forms. It states that this is not the real world but a re...See More
    • Roxann Adamsen But keep in mind I do not believe in one central God. Sorry for the rambling reply. I had a paper written on this stuff but couldn't find it. Hope it gives you some food for thought.
    • Roberto Esponja
      Wow! That was a great response, and for the most part I find myself in an amazing amount of agreement, until we get to "good" and "bad", but that is due more to our theological differences which color our standards of what is actually good or bad...Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good - except God alone.

      I am also not fond of the popular term "their truth", because I don't believe I've ever heard it used in a way I feel accurately represents the point being made. We may choose to live out our understanding of truth in a way that differs from others, but our understanding of it is quite simply and only that. No more, no less. Again, our differing views regarding God, the Prime Mover, source of origin, whatever what you want to call it, is where we split on that point...What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God's faithfulness? May it never be! Rather, let God be found true, though every man be found a liar...

      I feel compelled to believe that Truth, with God as the source of all origin including that of Truth, must be absolute and unchanging to be known. While we can not say the same of our perceptions of that Truth, the fact is we all seem to agree that truth exists however misunderstood it may be.

      My initial line that nothing comes from nothing, was a rather feeble attempt at evidence for said creator. I also happen to believe that one of the great things about Jesus, is that he allows us no middle ground by His claims to be "one with the Father" (and on and on). He is either exactly what He said he was, or exactly the opposite of His claims, pretty powerful either way you view it given the mark He has made on history...Jesus told him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

      Many of what we now call our greatest thinkers, were people throughout history that had been martyred or renounced by the church for their heresy in understanding of God and His Truth. Their willingness to think and seek for themselves revealed revolutionary (or heretical) views, that are now however just common thinking among many believers. So while I might not go so far as to say that someone else is wrong, per se', I certainly wouldn't be very honest if I didn't say that what I believe, I believe is right. (But I'm am always open to idea that I may be convinced otherwise, by listening to the conclusions of others.)

      Bravo, Roxann, taking the time to look into these things and come to your own conclusions. That takes real work and perseverance. d(-_-)b
    • Roxann Adamsen
      You're right we do split on theology but I admire your steadfast faith in a higher being. It was a Jesuit missionary in South America that said," All religion are valid. Who am I to limit God?" God is what you need it to be. For me god has little bearing on how I live my life. Religion serves a function which is to codify acceptable behaviour. I got that as a child but now that I know to abide by the rule of society I don't feel the need for it. The question you posed "What if some did not have faith?" struck a cord with me. I have no anything. I don't even have faith that the sun will rise tomorrow. The probability is that it will but I can't say with absolute faith and conviction that it will. There are too many possibilities, too many truths. I find that where you seek Truth, I find ambiguity. For instance, in therapy they tell us to "control your mind instead of your mind controlling you." What is "you?" Some would say it is the soul. But I ask how is it separate fro the "mind" and how does it relate to the brain? It lead to the question, are we the sum or our parts or are we more than the sum of our parts? And what happens to "you" when you die? These were earth shattering questions for me as it had certain implications. But all I'm left with are more unanswerable questions. Again sorry for the rambling.
    • Roberto Esponja
      I will admit, by virtue of my faith, I have been given a far different position in the process, in that I have a book to reference, that is rich with history, and filled with linear thought that stems from a common origin of faith that spans over thousands of years. But if you took all of the conclusions, of all of the lifetimes, spanning all of time, ambiguity is what you will always find at a certain point, when the finite is attempting to understand the infinite. In fact, I am always most suspect of the motives of those who claim to have all the answers.
      It almost seems to me that you have walked on to an ongoing building project, and decided that everything must go, so you can repour the foundation.
      I don't know you are looking for, or hope to find, but it seems that finding a starting point of some sort, and understanding that you aren't going to find every answer you may hope to, is a great way to at least find some of the most crucial answers. Some things are crucial to know, some are nice to know, some things can not be known, and with other things, knowing is irrelevant for it simply is what it is. So it is up to us to seek the answers we are compelled to believe we need, but we don't need all the answers, no matter how much we believe we might.
      Of course I will tell you the Bible is a great place to start. Why wouldn't I, if that's what I believe? BTW You do have faith, you exercise it to a degree everyday, whether you aknowledge it or not. I will say however you are right given your beliefs, about the what we are guaranteed in life. I just happen to believe there is more.

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